A Soulful Umrah with Hagel

Packages for 2025 are out! Choose from the packages that have been designed with your convenience and comfort in mind.

HAJJ 2025

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَالَمِينَ

Kami memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana telah mendapat kelulusan untuk urusan Haji tahun ini. Dengan pengalaman kami mengendalikan jemaah Haji, in shaa Allah kami akan terus memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik.

Explore the Beauty of Azerbaijan & Georgia

A Muslim-friendly adventure through rich cultures, halal cuisine, breathtaking landscapes, and timeless history.

Proudly serving you for over 23 years.

Travel has never been made this easy.



Our experienced staffs/mutawwif will always be around to guide you and anticipate your needs, in shaa Allah. Our goal is to make your journey as smooth as possible.


From climbing Jabal Nur and Gua Hira to visiting historical sites relevant to our beloved prophets, we strive to enrich your experience with nothing but goodness.

What Our Clients Say

Hairil dan saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada keluarga besar Hagel kerana telah menjalankan tanggungjawab dan bimbingan dengan sungguh baik dan penuh kesabaran. Tiada sebarang rungutan daripada kami. Terima kasih kepada Ustaz Lazim, Haji Haris, Aunty Zee, Uncle Agil Dan Redha kerana selalu berfikir tentang kesenangan kami dan sentiasa memberi penjelasan apabila kami mempunyai kemusykilan. Please rest well all of you!! Semoga Allah swt balaskan niat baik anda semua. ❤️

Terima kasih kepada semua jemaah kerana telah mendorong kami yang first timers untuk memberikan terbaik dalam menunaikan ibadah. Minta maaf kalau tersalah silap bahasa atau mengguris hati tanpa kami sedari. Maklumlah saya suka berbual 🤣🤣 hingga kami bertemu lagi 💕

– Sabrina

What Our Clients Say

“The three times I went for umrah, Alhamdulillah, with Hagel and not once there’s a hiccup from their end. Very professional. Hospitable. Honest. Insightful.
And hold to their amanah on their end.

In Shaa Allah. No matter if you’re a first timer or a seasoned Umrah goer – I strongly recommend Hagel Travel! Wallahi!”

– Shahrizal Salleh (Chef Bob)

What Our Clients Say

One for the memories with Tuan Syed Agil, Ustaz Lazim, Haji Haris, Puan Fatimah & some of the other wonderful officials of Hagel Travel & Tours. Awesome service & hospitality indeed. Really appreciate all the warmth, guidance & assistance.
Till the next one insyaAllah. 

– Zaza Majid

What Our Clients Say

Alhamdulillah… Mr Syed, Ustaz Lazim, Haji Jalil, Ustaz Hassan and all his pegawai are very dedicated. The team really take care of our welfare very well from food to health. As a first timer for Umrah, with the teaching and guidance with Ustaz Lazim who takes the lead and his team, makes me feel secure and enthusiastic to do more even at the 4th Umrah I was really not well with fever and sinusitis.

Thanks to Haji Jalil who had to make arrangement for my daughter and me to see a doctor at Mecca which allows me to complete the 4th Umrah the next day… Alhamdulillah. What Ustaz Lazim and teams had done is marvellous and money can’t buy. My prayers for the team is to stay in good conditions and healthy always. May Allah protect and take care of their safety always. Amin. Going for this Umrah was really an eye opener and a fruitful Umrah… Alhamdulillah, wassalam. 
– Azhar Mohd

Hagel Travel & Tours
A Singapore-based travel agency that specializes in providing pilgrimage packages for Muslims at affordable rates without compromising your convenience or comfort.
We believe in providing our service with dedication.

Reach Us

5 Jalan Pisang, Singapore 199072
Phone   +65 6744 1711
Fax         +65 6296 8644
Email     sales@hageltravel.com

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